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libscsi FreeBSD SCSI user library
libsexy Collection of GTK+ widgets that beautify standard widgets
libsexymm C++ bindings for libsexy
libsigc++ Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
libsigc++1 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
libsigsegv Library for handling page faults in user mode
libslang Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libsmi Library to access SMI MIB information
libstash Collection of programming support routines and useful algorithms
libstatgrab Provides a useful interface to system statistics
libstree Suffix tree library
libstroke Stroke translation library
libtai Library for storing and manipulating dates and times
libtar Library for manipulating POSIX tar files
libtecla Interactive command line editing facilities
libthai Thai language support routines
libtool Generic shared library support script
libtool-base Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
libtool-info Generic shared library support script - info pages
libts Library of simple token-scanning routines
libusb USB access library
libvorbis (V) Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libwhisker2 Perl module geared specifically for HTTP testing
libwnck Library to write pagers and tasklists
libXfont (V) X font Library
libxml (V) XML parser (version 1), mainly used by the GNOME project
lincvs Nice GUI front-end to CVS (using Qt)
ltsa Labelled Transition System Analyser
lwp Light Weight Process style threads
m17n-lib Multilingualization library
m4 GNU version of UNIX m4 macro language processor
makedepend Dependency generator for make
makedepf90 Creates Makefile dependencies for Fortran code
maketool Graphical front end to GNU make
mantis PHP/MySQL/web based bugtracking system
meld Visual diff and merge tool
mell M Emacs Lisp Library
memcached High-performance distributed memory object caching system
mercurial Fast, lightweight source control management system
mk-files Portable *.mk files for the NetBSD portable bmake utility
mkcmd Command-line parser and manual page generator
mmix (V) Simulators for Knuth's MMIX RISC architecture
mono-addins Framework for creating extensible applications
monodevelop IDE for C# and other .NET languages
monotone Free distributed version control system
monotone-server Simplifies the configuration of a dedicated Monotone server
monotone-viz Visualize monotone ancestry graphs
mph Minimal perfect hashing functionality
nana Improved support for assertions and logging in C and C++
nasm General-purpose x86 assembler
nbitools imake and tools derived from NetBSD-current/xsrc
ncurses CRT screen handling and optimization package
ncursesw Wide character CRT screen handling and optimization package
netbeans-ide NetBeans Java IDE
netbsd-iscsi-initiator NetBSD's iSCSI initiator (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netbsd-iscsi-target NetBSD's iSCSI target (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netcdf Library for array-oriented data access
newfile Tool for creating starter files in various languages
newt Windowing toolkit based on libslang
noweb Simple, extensible literate-programming tool
nqc Development system for the Lego Mindstorms RCX embedded computer
nsis Scriptable system to build Windows installers
nspr Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
nspr-reference HTML Documentation for NSPR
nss Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
ObjectiveLib Object containers and generic algorithms for Objective-C
ocaml-findlib Library finder for OCaml
ode Library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics
ogre Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
opencm Secure, high-integrity replacement for CVS
opengrok Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine
ossp-uuid C-API and command line tool for generating UUIDs
p4 Perforce SCM command-line client
p4-docs Perforce SCM documentation
p4d Perforce SCM server
p4pr Perforce file annotation with change, revision, and branch
p4web Perforce SCM Web client
p5-Algorithm-Annotate Perl module that provides cvs-annotate-like functionality
p5-Algorithm-Dependency Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency tree
p5-Algorithm-Diff Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1)
p5-Algorithm-Merge Perl module providing diff3(1)-like functionality
p5-AnyEvent Simple API for io, timer and completion callbacks
p5-App-CLI Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
p5-App-Cmd Perl 5 module to write command line apps with less suffering
p5-AppConfig Perl5 module for parsing config files and command line arguments
p5-AppConfig-Std AppConfig::Std Perl module
p5-Array-Compare Perl extension for comparing arrays
p5-AtExit Provides an ANSI C style atexit() function to Perl programs
p5-Attribute-Handlers Simpler definition of attribute handlers
p5-B-Keywords Perl 5 module providing lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
p5-Bit-Vector Efficient base class implementing bit vectors
p5-BSD-Resource Perl interface to BSD process resources library
p5-Cache The Cache interface
p5-Cache-Cache The Cache interface
p5-Cache-Memcached Perl API for distributed memory cache daemon memcached
p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry Perl module providing a lightweight cache with timed expiration
p5-CAM-PDF (V) Perl 5 PDF manipulation library
p5-capitalization Perl module for no capitalization on method names
p5-Carp-Assert Executable comments like the ANSI C library assert.h
p5-Carp-Assert-More Perl5 module providing convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert